FML Millennials are Screwed
How millennials ended up the poorest generation
A complex, beautifully written story about the eroding economy that created a generation of over-worked under-achievers.
We transformed it into an unwinnable game of life with a bright visual direction that's charming, unsettling and smashed visitor records.
Fragmented fun
We worked alongside Creative Director Sandra Garcia to create a whirlwind of flash and entertainment, against a backdrop of financial doom.
Early on we decided to draw a parallel between pixel art, an aesthetic born at the same time as the first millennials, and the disintegration of their financial safety net.

Game of life
The use of pixel art brought the opportunity to present a meta-story about this game so relentlessly unfair it’s impossible to win.
In sketches and storyboards we explored dozens of concepts to highlight important aspects of the story through darkly humorous video game moments.

Pixel imperfect
Our goal was to create a uniquely disorienting visual experience that resonated with both the economic climate and the bold visual style of the millennial generation.
To keep the story exciting and surprising we crafted a series of animated moments, some big and loud, others subtle - sprinkles of delight on a sundae of sadness.
At least it ends on a hopeful note… or does it?

“Even though it's been up for less than a week, more minutes have been spent reading this piece than any story on all of HuffPost for the entire year.”
Rachel Morris
Executive Editor, Huffington Post Highline
Project Awards
The Webby Awards
Best Individual Editorial Experience
Society of Publication Designers
Gold Medal - Web Feature Design
Society of Publication Designers
Gold Medal - Web Animation
Society of Publication Designers
Gold Medal - Innovative Practice
American Society of Magazine Editors
Finalist - Digital Innovation
Best Design Awards
Gold Pin - Large Scale Websites
Site of the Day
FWA of the Day
CSS Design Awards
Website of the Day
Project Statistics
Shares in the first 72 hours